Do the things that annoy us most about other, the same things we don't like about ourselves?

In the year 1998 my grandmother, Coreen, told me a parable that made me think for 3 days. To this day I still do that very thing, not sit around telling parables with my deceased grandmother, but ponder things for days. This was the parable, or at least how I remember it “Two bulls are sitting on a hill overlooking a valley of cows.
The young bull says to the old bull, “let’s run down there and screw us a cow!” The old bull says, “Let’s walk down there and screw them all.” Not the funniest thing I have ever heard, but to me this symbolizes our “new generation” Faster, Harder, Better…everything must be fast now-a-days. I remember when I was a kid (I know I’m still a kid, I’m referring to adolescence.) My little brother and I would get up and lounge around all day watching cartoons in our snap pj’s till we felt like going outside to ride bikes down to the lake then we would get on the rope swing and do nothing but have fun and get lost in time. That doesn’t happen anymore, not even for children. What is everyone in a hurry for? Is there some big secret race to death I’m unaware of…Why are we all speeding down the highway? I feel like the world is passing my by so fast and no one is slowing down to enjoy it. I’m sick of being rushed, I like taking my time. I’ve learned when you rush things it ruins it, and so my New Year’s resolution is to SLOW DOWN. Like my grandmother was implying in her parable, it’s like the young bull is now the Real Time bull. Speed is not always king, and the greatest ability we will develop is an understanding of that.

Why in tarnations would you do that?

Beliefnet is hosting a competition called "Who inspired you most this year?” It's mainly focusing on US and there are 10 nominees left. A quote from their website: "One man landed a plane in the middle of a freezing river, saving everyone aboard. A teen rescued 22 school children from a troubled girl with a gun. Others worked to help people pay their bills, fed the down-and-out, saved people from layoffs, and showed homeless children that someone cares. One couple even danced for the sheer joy of being young and in love."You can go to beliefnet and vote for your favorite person that “inspired you” this year. But I urge you not too….Instead take a minute, a day, a year to think about all the amazing people that inspire you, weekly, daily, yearly. If you aren’t inspired by people, I’m truly sorry…for your life must be boring. I normally would have never ever written a blog, mainly because I’m a silly almost 29 year old girl. But someone I just met who, is very likely the smartest and most captivating person I have ever met, inspired me to thing “outside the box” from now one…probably because so many people are “thinking inside the box you can’t even hear yourself think in there anymore”. I would never write a blog! What would I write about? What if people laughed at me, not always a big deal to me, but I don’t know many people who like to look like an ass. But for some reason mature people sometimes help you to think maturely. I may not have much to say and it probably won’t be interesting… but it will be fun, and it will be kooky like me. So this is my first one, thank you Uncle Richard